Top Biophoton Light Expert Reveals How To Feel Better Fast and AVOID Wasting Time and Money On Things That Don't Work
Were you fully informed before you got the C19 shots?
By the time you finish these videos, you'll learn 3 secrets
doctors don't even know!
Shot or Not Shot?

Hi, my name is Christina Kuepper, and I've been researching C-19, the Shots, the Spike Proteins and their effects on the body since this Pandemic was first announced.
Are you having any of these weird symptoms? Here’s a quick checklist for “strange” symptoms some are reporting:
Fatigue Loss of energy
Brain fog Painful joints
Difficulties sleeping Anxiety
Loss of taste or smell Heart palpitations
Trouble concentrating Weird skin eruptions
Herpes Shingles
Any numbness Cancer
Trouble breathing – especially climbing stairs
Fortunately, I specialize in weird or strange symptoms!
Want to get the toxins out of your body?
Want to get rid of the side-effects?
Want to have more energy?
Want to avoid a future with one illness after another?
They told us:
- The vaccines are safe & effective - so why have so many people died? had strokes? have heart issues?
- Shots protect you from COVID-19 - people get Covid 19 in spite of shots
- All shots have been fully tested - LIES!!
- There are no harmful ingredients - Shots have been proven to include:
- graphene oxide and metal fragments
- polysorbate 80
- mRNA that changes your DNA
- spike proteins that cause disease
- parasites
Then ask yourself, why is Pharma not liable for any harm done?
So...Now that you realize that you weren't given the facts, what can you do?
You thought you were doing the right thing by getting the shots. It was all over the news, people were dying...your family was insisting and your boss was threatening you with your job...who could blame you?
Are you like me...afraid to trust doctors, Big Pharma or the News since they've kept the truth from us? Don't know what or who to believe anymore?
With the real truth coming out, are you worried about what the shots are doing to your immune system and the rest of your body? Are you un-vaxxed and concerned about how those who were are affecting your health?
When you watch these videos or read this letter to
the end you're going to discover exactly how to get relief fast.
It took me over 6 months doing extensive research and testing, but I finally figured it out...3 Secrets Your Doctors Don't Know:
- How to help people who got the shots
- How to help people with active C-19 or with long-hauler symptoms
- How to help people who feel sick from exposure to spike proteins from those shot.
I'm on a mission to help others just like you! I DO IT NATURALLY WITH NO SIDE-EFFECTS!
There is hope for your body to return back to a healthy, vibrant state...and quickly!
Christina's Quick Story
Doctors didn't help me. In fact they were clueless! This all started 40 years ago... I just kept getting sick (violent vomiting and diarrhea) more and more frequently. All the doctors' visits and testing said nothing was wrong with me...
I knew I'd have to find a solution on my own...
I did tons of research and spent thousands of dollars to figure out what worked and what didn't so you don't have to. I used 2 cutting-edge therapies to heal my gut, balance my body and get my energy back. These same principles will help you too!
The problem I had was I didn't know how to get relief fast and stay pain-free and I couldn't balance my body in a way that didn’t involve drugs or had zero side-effects!
That's When I Knew I HAD To Make A Change
So, first I tried Eastern and alternative medicine. Some worked a little but didn’t last.
I even tried more specialized Western doctors, but that was just a Total Waste!
Then I tried homeopathy, and it worked a little better though not completely.
And that's when I finally tried Biophoton Light Therapy (BLT). And guess what? This time it worked!
I felt great for 2 weeks after my very first treatment. That was a HUGE improvement for me. I hadn’t gone 2 weeks without getting sick in over 20 years! After a few more treatments, I didn't get sick anymore! My allergy to soy was gone, my sleep improved, my energy increased and I stopped vomiting.
I decided to learn this cutting-edge therapy and bring it to the USA.
And That's When I Realized It Wasn't My Fault!
And that's why I created Customized Healing Solutions (CHS)
This took me over 30 years to find a solution that held for good and cost me about $100,000 out of pocket beyond what insurance paid…not to mention loss of income because I had to cut back on my hours. But it was totally worth it!
It makes finding something lasting...(some things I tried only worked short-term but I wanted something permanent) much easier!
I never got results the old traditional medical ways, but I can now get results within 3 sessions for detoxing the C19 shots. For more complicated, long-term issues, figure on one additional session for each year you've been sick.
Imagine What Life Would Be Like If You Could Turn Back the Clock and Make Different Choices...
Can you even imagine sleeping soundly all night long? Waking up feeling well-rested and full of energy?
You put your feet on the floor and walk across the room and nothing hurts?
Will you spend your day alone? With family? With friends?
What will you do today that will be fun and exciting?
Is there something you've been super excited to do but just couldn't?
What new memories will you make?
What will you do with the extra money you have now that you're not wasting it on doctors and tests?
Is there a vacation you've wanted to take but didn't ever imagine it could happen?
Now you can not only imagine it...YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!
* CHS provides a program that is as unique as you are. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. So with a customized plan, you can feel better faster without any negative side effects.
* By measuring the energy pathways, the body tells us where the blocks are and which remedies are needed to remove them so we can eliminate the guess work. Your body will tell us exactly what it needs to heal itself.
* Biophoton Light Therapy uncovers the root cause of the problem so your body can heal itself completely so you can get well and stay well.
* CHS will evaluate your digestive system if necessary to determine how toxic your body is and which custom designed enzymes might be needed to help you process food so you can eat and digest your food to get all the nutrients your body needs without bloating, gas, heartburn and other painful sensations from eating.
* CHS can be done remotely for most situations so you can save time and money by not having to travel to my office.
* Because I know how frustrating it is trying to find a solution, I will tell you during your 30 minute consultation if I don't think I can help you.
* People have flown from all over the country to have sessions with me ...but now most can be done remotely from the comfort of your home.
But, before we get started,
let me Ask You a Question...
Would You Like To Have Your Very Own "Customized Healing Solution"?
For Less Than The Cost Of A Nice Dinner, You Can Have An Evaluation To Find Out If CHS Can Help You Without Having To Wait Hours In My Waiting Room For A Consultation.
Now, While It Would Be Impossible To Show You ALL Of The Benefits Of Customized Healing Solutions, I Want To Show You Some Of The Things That You Might Experience.
If You're Ready To Take Your Life Back....
Book Your Session Now!!!
(your consultation fee will be deducted from your package price)

Consult with me and start your action plan immediately and you'll be on your way to wellness.
During Your Evaluation and Consultation, You'll Receive...

30 Minutes with Healing Expert Christina Kuepper
Unlike visiting your doctor, she really listens! She hears what you say but also reads between the lines. You will hear her findings from your detailed Questionnaire. You will get answers to your questions.
Christina takes up to an hour to evaluate your answers prior to your call and prepares a protocol to discuss with you. It rarely happens, but if, for some reason, Christina does not believe you will benefit from CHS, or if BLT is contraindicated for your condition, she will give you her honest opinion. She dislikes wasting time and money as much as you do!
Immediate Action Plan
You want to feel better ASAP right? So Christina will give you action steps to take before your first session and throughout your program. This is a co-creative process. She will explain how to implement your bonuses.
Christina is Certified in many different therapies. She will put together the best combination based on your particular needs to get you back into balance as quickly as possible. She will discuss these with you and together you will choose the best options based on your time and budget.
Free Access to View Webinar (below)
3 Bonuses for Action Takers--exclusive bonuses
And, for a limited time only, I'm including the
following you can't get anywhere else!
Bonus #1 7 Ways to Make Your Home Safer from 5G and EMF Radiation
Your Guide to Protecting Your Home
It's essential to create a safe home so that once you heal your body, it can stay healed. If you live in a toxic environment, there's a strong chance you will not feel well again. So why risk it?
This hand guide will make your home much healthier than it is now!

Bonus #2 Cheat Sheet: 110 Fabulous Foods for Radiant Health
110 Fab Foods
You will love this great guide to healing foods. 110 foods listed from A-Z with many of the healing properties so you can select the right foods to speed your healing.

Bonus #3 Cheat Sheet - Organic Only!
List of Foods that MUST Be Organic!
You'll be happy to know that not all fruits and vegetables need to be organic. Here's a cheat sheet that will let you know which ones are OK to buy commercial and which ones are too toxic to take a chance. This will save you some money...and keep you safe from toxins!

This is YOUR rare opportunity to have a private consultation with an expert, the only one to have a customized plan tailored just for your body
with your circumstances!
In 30 minutes, you'll have an action plan and will be on your way to feeling better.
The Master Class will give you further proof that you've made the best decision for your body. It will give you an in-depth understanding of how Biophoton Light Therapy works and all the benefits you can expect.
The bonuses are the icing on the cake!
Only offered here for the very first time.
Only 50 New Spots Open This Month. When They're Gone...You'll Go On A Waiting List
Sign Up NOW!

Money Back Guarantee
Any appointments cancelled with at least 24 hours' notice will get a full refund. It rarely happens, but if, for some reason, Christina does not believe you will benefit from CHS, or if BLT is contraindicated for your condition she will refund your payment.
During your sessions, her guarantee is better than your doctor's. You will not experience any negative side-effects other than maybe needing a nap! Like a computer, your body might need to shut down and power back up because it will be programmed with brand new information!
Are You Ready to Feel Better?
If you're ready for some answers...
If your ready to look at your entire body and not just your symptoms...
If your ready for a customized plan designed JUST FOR YOU...
If you're ready to feel better...and have it last...
If your ready to spend a little money and get HUGE results...
I only have room in my busy schedule for 50 new clients this month, so act fast!
Your delay will put you on a waiting list, so why wait to feel better?
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase This AMAZING Offer!

#1 30 Min Eval/Consultation with Christina ($297 Value)
#2 Immediate Action Plan ($97 Value)
#3 The TRUTH About How to Avoid Negative Side Effects from Vaccines ($97 Value)
Bonus #1 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation ($97 Value)
Bonus #2 Cheat Sheet - 110 Fabulous Foods for Radiant Health ($57 Value)
Bonus #3 Cheat Sheet - Organic Only! ($27 Value)
Total Value: $672
But today, you're getting all of this...
For Only $97 (Normally $297)

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Customer Support: 201-312-9223 Copyright 2022 Customized Healing Solutions All Rights Reserved.
I was failing because of doctors who were clueless and because of the Big Pharma companies who only want to sell drugs to mask the problems…and keep us on drugs for life… instead of digging to the root cause so the body can heal. That's happening more than ever today.
No wonder I was struggling.
For years they wanted me to believe that you have to take pain killers, Protein Pump Inhibitors for heartburn, and a lot more drugs to combat all the side-effects you get from the drugs in the first place, and when I figured out that it wasn't true, I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results I deserved!
The real problem is the Big Pharma companies who only want to sell drugs to mask the problems and then sell you more drugs to deal with the side-effects from the drugs in a vicious circle instead of digging to the root cause so the body can heal.
THEY were the ones keeping me from discovering how to get relief fast and stay pain-free!
Once I realized I could clear food allergies in 40 seconds, that's when I started to understand how to get relief and stay pain-free really FAST!
I used what I discovered to be able to:
- Reduce painful inflammation by detoxing and balancing the body
- Balance the gut with the right enzymes so food gets digested properly and nutrients absorbed
- Build a really strong immune system since 70% is developed in the gut
- Help people with energetic whiplash which disrupts the gut and causes all sort of cognitive issues
NOW I'm helping people with Vax remorse to clear the toxins and rebuild their immune systems. I also help those affected by Vax transmission clear the spike proteins they got from being near those Vaxxed. In addition, I speed up the healing process from those with active COVID-19.
I didn't realize it when I started that not only does Biophoton Light Therapy simplify the process for how to get relief fast and stay pain-free, it also helps you heal other issues you were less aware of because the pain had your attention. Having more energy, we uncover and heal the root cause of the problem!
Christine's blood after the shot and after Biophoton sessions
Kelly's Covid-19 Quick Recovery
Kelly shares her experience of a remote Biophoton Light Therapy session. She felt the difference right away!
John’s GERD healed after more than 15 years on Rx drugs!
Joyce’s neuropathy (loss of feeling in hands & feet) from chemo gone!
Sue’s surprise by Long-distance Sessions

Here are blood samples before and 1 hour after biophoton light therapy.
Rows 1 and 3 were from people who got the shots. Rows 2 and 4 did not get the shots but work closely with people who did.
See how it's still harming them at a cellular level?
The good news is that Biophoton Light Therapy eventually brings them all back to normal again.
Don't just take my word for it. Take a look at this:
So How Does It Work?
Natural Options Others are Offering for Clearing the Vax include:
- Supplements $992 + tax + shipping - 6 months
- IVs Vitamin C + Glutathione avg $5,400 – 6 weeks
($300-$575 1-3x/wk 4-8 wks)
- Hyperbaric Oxygen avg $12,000 – 5 months
($250-$450 ea x 40 sessions)
- Biophoton Light Therapy $1000 for 3 sessions in 8 days!
Does Your Body Feel Different?